When I first arrived...

It has been months since I first came to Middlesbrough. Ever since I stepped into this English land, my life had been changed. Well, I have to; you have no idea how different life here compare to where I was from, Malaysia, Sarawak particularly. It's strange to have someone from Sarawak to be in this small place. I will be shocked to meet some other Sarawakian, since I know I am THE ONLY ONE here haha! I like to think of it that way, being special...

Enough rambling. I actually went to London before taking a coach to Middlesbrough, yes, I don't call this place Teesside or Cleveland, in fact, my English teacher also don't really know which is the right name for this place, so let's stick to Middlesbrough for now. Anyway, I arrived wee early in the morning, when the sun is not up yet. Like a lost tourist, we didn't know where to go. No one around (at 4am) knows where is Teesside University (since all are foreigners, just like my friend and I) and there were many maps around, and the university doesn't look far, so we decided to walk.

Well, of course we got lost, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BUS STATION! We didn't know where to go. But no worries, lad, there was this nice lady, who was on her way to work, walked us to a junction where the road seems to be all cleared and directed us to the university! Talk about Good Samaritan. It was too early still (at 6am) so we stopped by at McDonalds. Yes, there is McD, and also KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King and other UK fast food franchise which you will find out yourself sooner or later if you come here.

Eating at Mc Donalds while waiting nearby

Spiderman, spiderman

15 minutes walk (including carrying luggage) to the university

When we finally arrived, the university well, wasn't open yet, too early.

We made it! 2 person's luggage alright!

The university entrance

But good thing we came early. We didn't need to line up to take our accommodation keys. Jackie came quite late due to her flight had to wait quite some time. Better be early than late.

I am currently staying under the university accommodation. A decent place to be in. Your food get stolen too sometimes stupid idiots losers hope you get constipation and puke all the food you stole for ten feaking days. Nice kitchen, if you were to see from the picture I took. Oh, there are about 4 kitchens on one floor in Parkside Halls of Residence, 2 in day rooms, 2 small kitchens, like the ones I always use. We have many bathrooms with heater, so no worries about congestion, in case you think you need to line up to take your shower. Just so you know, I haven't... yet.

Facilities in the room with my stuffs

My window view is the Albert Park, good for you if you like to jog, but I don't think you'll jog during the winter, soooooo cold! I'll discuss about Albert Park some other time, it is after all, my virtual site for my minor project =)

Every morning view

The smaller kitchen

Orientation day was alright and interesting. You will see many in props to promote events or awareness. And I even saw the firemen creating real fire (with safety precautions of course) and teach students how to use fire extinguishers. To be honest I did not attend most of the event, well, mainly because we have our own activities in our own school, especially for International Students, we get loads of free tea time or lunch, and once, dinner. I don't know why, but most of the time we get sandwiches and if lucky, brownies! I love English brownies! They're really nice!

One of the 'orientation tests' you have to sit is English and Self Studies thingies. The university will give you a test on one of the orientation days. It will be a series of questions and you have to choose the answer and one writing test. Once you got your marks, you will be assigned to FREE classes that suit you best (according to what you get though). Don't worry, you will get some qualifications for attending this class in your certificate. I forgot what it is though. I will share once I got my cert =)

Student Union president giving his cited speech

The field in front of the library during orientation

"Don't smoke you... grrrrrr"

Who wants a piggy hug?

Just to let you know that The Student Union has its own bar and club, yup, their so-called award winning club, for those clubbers. Alcohols are much cheaper compare to in Malaysia, I mean, how can I compare right?? But a reminder, don't just go club all the time!

Whatever facilities you need to know within the universty can be found here.

But of course, we will cover up what we know in this university, especially the Arts and Media School, since we are from that school.

The beautiful people you will meet, from the same country

Guess where's this?? You'll find out eventually.

Honestly speaking at first I find it really hard to adapt to the English slang. It's so thick that you think they're practically rambling. Honestly! But the thing is you need to listen and catch what they're saying 2 times (after you politely ask them to repeat again, you won't ask them to repeat the third time, right?) But after a long while, you will get used to it, and nope, I don't have their slang, I still adapt my American way of speaking slang, which is good and people immediately understand, not all though. But no worries, the university staff are really nice; they're trained to not to have too much of the 'English slang'. You will come across a few uneducated, uncivilised racist kids from the neighbourhood, just a few, so no worries. I have to speak the truth right? Why would I want to lie!!! Nothing scary though. But I think they are very intimidated by us since we so dare to go to a different country and stay for a long time while they're still stuck to their mommies, so good for them.

That's it for now! Cheers~

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