Minor Project

I am an Interior Design student. My project is not really related to interior refurbishments, but more on structure for leisure purposes. I wanted to create an small iconic structure among the trees in a garden as I love treehouses very much and I enjoy walking long the garden trails. I'm sure many dream of having and living on trees when they were younger, so I am also reliving my childhood childish dreams.

My proposed project site is in Albert Park, it's right behind my hostel, along the 9 trees just beside the road.

For this minor project I did many sketches and 3d visualisation to see which concept and structure suits the garden environment. I also wanted to have the structure to be a lantern at night. It should be a healthy place for children as well as adults to hang out.

Design development stage

The project spans at approx 45 metres wide and 5 metres depth, like a bridge. One can view the garden from the platform.

Plan and elevation

East elevation

Whole structure artist impression

The structure is like units of cages, as one enters each cage and each cages have different settings and seatings for those who wants to hangout in the garden or be inspired for poetry writings or paintings.

Front entrance

Viewing platform first floor

Coffee bar first floor

If they need a coffee break, they can enjoy at the coffee bar!

Ground floor cafe organic seatings

The ground floor consist of a cafe for those joggers or families who picnics in the garden with their children so that they can buy food and drinks and they don't need to bring from home. They can sit around the organic table that is designed for easy communication - they can look at each other though they site next to each other.

This project is not possible without the help of Mike and Leonda and my good pals, Royce and Jackie, who inspired me me with ideas (from talking) and of course research and headings. This project is also dedicated to my family, Mummy, Papa, Cindy and Pearly. Hope I could build something cool eh? Thanks!

Hope you find inspiration (but not plagiarism) through my project. Research was done on the Yellow Treehouse in NZ, Eco Sphere in Canada and O2 Sustainable Treehouse.

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