
Another important element for international student when arriving in a foreign country is a place to stay. Teesside University offer one of the most affordable accommodation comparing to other university.

You can choose from University managed housing, halls or flat. All these accommodation is strategically located within walking distance of 5 - 15 minutes from university, grocery and other important service provider such as banks.

For more information regarding accommodation, click here or interlink special post regarding accommodation.

You may contact the accommodation office through,
T: 01642 342255

Well for me myself, I got a nice and decent place to stay at a house along Union Street. I am staying in university manage house, all equipements is guarantee to work properly and it is fully furnished. Its 15 minutes away walk from Cook Building (this is where all undergrad ID and IA students hang out) to my place. I stay in room 1 in the floor above.

My bedroom, there is a chair, study table, side table, 4 tier drawer, wardrobe and a bedset. Bedsheet and accessories are not inclueded =P

The bathroom, spacious and clean with proper ventilation

Kitchen, most appliances is provided such as cooker, oven, grill, fridge, freezer, washing machine and a microwave. Little cutlery is available too

Living and Dining area, place to eat, hang out and group study with foldable table

Walkway, dry your shoes here

View from my window

View of my facade house at night

For for more contact, visit Now no more worries about a place to stay

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