I am Lily
‘I swapped the business for the university’
Hi everyone
I am Lily from Middlesbrough. I had a business at 19 for over 20 years before retraining as an interior architecture & designer.
‘To me, my business was the best job in the world, I was my own boss, I had full time/part staff in total of 11 members. Although it was a small business, my responsibilities were:
• Managed all operational activities
• Developed and recruited employees
• Managed finance including book keeping and banking.
• Purchasing and preparation of food.
• Setting yearly sales targets.
• Ensuring compliance with Health and Safety Regulations.
But it was still exhilarating and, more importantly, well paid. The job was still exciting, and the customers are excellent, but I‘d changed. I wanted to do something more creative, more meaningful with my time.
I sold the business. I now had the financial freedom to make a change, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I’d always been interesting to visit show homes and look at the different styles of home. I am particularly interested in the décor and furniture, and I liked watching Linda Baker’s T.V programme ‘Changing Room’.
Life in university ‘Never too late’
Returning to education is a very challenging experience for me who has not studied for long time.
Induction week: September 2007
I was very apprehensive (being a mature student, although there were 4 of us from Marton college) about entering what is perceived as a young person’s environment. When I entered the class, I was very relaxed and happy that I have chosen TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY MIDDLESBROUGH.
There were 41 students in my class, I noticed about 14 of them were mature students (twenty-one-plus). Immediately it felt comforting knowing that I will be able to work with different ages groups of students.
In my experience:
Mature students are motivate and committed to their studies
• Developed time management
• Organise skill
• Flexibility
• Communication
• Interpersonal skill
Returning to education is a very challenging experience for me who has not studied for long time.
Induction week: September 2007
I was very apprehensive (being a mature student, although there were 4 of us from Marton college) about entering what is perceived as a young person’s environment. When I entered the class, I was very relaxed and happy that I have chosen TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY MIDDLESBROUGH.
There were 41 students in my class, I noticed about 14 of them were mature students (twenty-one-plus). Immediately it felt comforting knowing that I will be able to work with different ages groups of students.
In my experience:
Mature students are motivate and committed to their studies
• Developed time management
• Organise skill
• Flexibility
• Communication
• Interpersonal skill
Younger students adapt digital programme faster
• 3D Max
• Photoshop
• InDesign
Life at university is interesting and exciting, every project is different. The tutors are very professional and organised in what they are doing, and they all understand our level of learning.
Richard Sober Subject area leader & year two tutor r.sober@tees.ac.uk
Michael Mclean Level three leader tutor m.h.mclean@tees.ac.uk
Leader French Year one tutor & admissions tutor l.french@tees.ac.uk
Neil Mclaren CAD and design n.b.mclaren@tees.ac.uk
Jill Egglestone Building technology j.egglesstone@tees.ac.uk
Mark Beckwith Model making m.beckwith@tees.ac.uk
Tips how to be an ideal student:
• Respect tutors
• Turn up every class
• Good time management
• Good communication scale
• Punctuality
• Confident
• Creative/sketching/drawing
• Design unique
• Determination to success
• Presentation
Team Project Tips:
• Pick the right team, you really enjoying working together
• Be involve
• Turn up every meeting, on time
• Do your fair share of work
Historical studies in Interior Architecture & Design
(Team project) 2007-2008
Tutor: Richard Sober
From Left to Right: viven, joanne , lily, dineke, magdalena and jan
From left to right: kim, sophie, Lauren, kim, nikki and sarah
Spatial Design project (Micro flat) 2007-2008
Tutor: Leanda French
Minor project (Design children outlet) 2009-2010
Leader tutor: Mike Mclean & Leanda French
• The course has helped me to present myself with confident.
• My communication skill has improved.
• As a result of course, I fell confident in tacking unfamiliar problems.
• Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the course.
• As a result of my course, I believed that I have improved my career prospects.
• Learning material made available on my course has enhanced my learning.
• The delivery of my course has been stimulating.
• My learning has benefited from modules that are informed by current research.
• Practical activities on my course have helped me to learn new skills.
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