Fashion and Shopping

Hello everyone,

This post is going to cover the fashion and shopping issues. Are you ready for a trip to the heart of style in Middlesbrough Shopping Centres?! Fasten your seat belt then!
There are quite few shopping centres in Middlesbrough. Here are the most popular ones:
If we take Teesside University Library as our start point, then The Mall Shopping Centre, as our destination, would be only 0.1 mile away.

Then is the Captain Cook Square Shopping Centre, which is about 0.3 mile away.

Next comes the Hill Street Shopping Centre with a 0.4 mile distance from the library,

and the last and farthest one-about 5 miles away from the library- is Parkway Shopping Centre.

They all have a “find us” option that lets you locate the closest way to get there. You can also get a full list of their individual shops, banks, building societies, cash points, customer services and etc. from their official website.

Thanks to these lists, you are then shown so many brands to check out, like Next or New look, so why not making a good price comparison and choose the brand that suites your style, and your pocket of course!

I personally love fashion, but most of the time I don’t have enough money to afford expensive brands! For those of you who have the same problem, I recommend certain shops for young tastes to buy from, so that at the end of the day, you could feel satisfaction, both for the saving you’ve made and for an almost perfect outlet you’ve created!

Men and Women’s Wear

The first one that I usually go for is New Look, for both men and women’s wear. According to my experience, it has reasonable prices and yet fashionable clothing, accessories and also footwear. It also, most of the time, offers so many sale items that in case of being there ‘early’, it can be an absolute bargain!

Among other brands for men and women’s clothing and accessories, are H&M, Primark and Top Shop. They also are so popular and offer a quite wide scope of price choices.

One of the most exciting shops I always go to is the Sports Direct. I strongly recommend it to those of you who are looking for a REAL bargain in sport footwear!


As students, we usually look for the house items that could satisfy our immediate need; we are not looking for such expensive long-lasting items! For the homewares, I personally check the eBay first. On eBay you can get nearly anything you want at prices better than you can

find in other online stores. Although there are lots of rotten deals on eBay too, yet the careful consumer can always come out ahead. In case of using the eBay, please take Safety Tips section so seriously!

The cheapest homeware store in Middlesbrough shopping centre is, I think, Argos.

One of the most exciting shops I always go to is the Sports Direct. I strongly recommend it to those of you who are looking for a REAL bargain in sport footwear!

You need to check Argos online catalogue first, and then either reserve or buy the item you want. After receiving the item’s reference code, you can go to the store where the item has been located-by Argos Store Locator-and pay and collect the item.

As a student, I prefer NOT to go to any hairdressing! What? What’s wrong? They all seem soOoOoOoOoOo expensive to me!

Just imagine how I look like now after spending three years in this country!!!...

Anyway, if you decided to go out, and find a good hairdresser that listens to you very well, and then tries to please you with her skills and finally surprises you with the best look you could ever get!, please...please don’t forget to check her certificate first! Chemicals can affect you hair and skin to a great extent and for this, only rely on someone who is INTO things!

Get back to you soon!...Marjan

Columbus Opera

We were cordially invited to attend the Columbo Opera Buffa organized by Teesside University's Culture on Campus. It was a wondeful experience as that was our first time attending such an event.

Queen Isabel of Spain, contralto, Fiona MacDonald

King Ferdinand of Spain & Diablito, tenor, Angus McAllister and Columbus, baritone, Julian Tovey

Narrator, Ronan Paterson

The crowds

Further left, Colombina, soprano, Wendy Goodson and cast


The performance is comedic and cute part on Christopher Columbus' one of his many journey and sung in English and Italian accompanied with profesional music talents with self made sound effect with their musical instruments. Very impressive indeed. I was seriously amazed.

Our Dean, Prof Gerda and us

The singers and us

Thank you, School of Arts and Media, for sponsoring Jackie, Royce and I for this marvelous event. We really appreciate the opportunity given.

Christmas minced pie!

School of Arts and Media department was really kind to organise a Christmas minced pie session for School of Arts and Media International Students. Paul Denison was really kind was really kind to update us on the event and ordered many many minced pie for us.

Minced pie is made of minced dry food (raisins, nuts, etc) and they are really really sweet. Originally contained spices and dried fruit. Minced pie is the favourite fruit of Santa Claus; children would place a pie or two at the foot of the chimney as an appreciation for the presents. Honestly I'm not used to the taste, really really sweet. Bad for diabetic. But after a while you might like it. My sister taught me this trick to add double cream on minced pie; it kind of tone down the sweetness of the minced pie, and it taste better. You should try.

Mince pies!

The girls who attended the event

Though it was an enjoyable moment of catching up and meeting new people, Marjan was distracted with homeworks, used the opportunity of an international event and started catching people for interviews for our blog!

Marjan working during a fun time... tsk tsk Marjan...

... while Jackie and I enjoyed talking and phototaking...

Happy Jackie

Though the event was held between classes, it was a really fun. We felt the wonderful Christmas spirit as this would be the first English Christmas for most of us. Not all of us stayed back in Middlesbrough for Christmas, most of us left touring around UK or Europe, but the staffs were nice to invite those who stayed back to visit them and probably bring them around.

Cleaning up after the event

Thank you, our Dean, Professor Gerda Roper and staffs for organising such event. We felt welcome.

Minor Project

I am an Interior Design student. My project is not really related to interior refurbishments, but more on structure for leisure purposes. I wanted to create an small iconic structure among the trees in a garden as I love treehouses very much and I enjoy walking long the garden trails. I'm sure many dream of having and living on trees when they were younger, so I am also reliving my childhood childish dreams.

My proposed project site is in Albert Park, it's right behind my hostel, along the 9 trees just beside the road.

For this minor project I did many sketches and 3d visualisation to see which concept and structure suits the garden environment. I also wanted to have the structure to be a lantern at night. It should be a healthy place for children as well as adults to hang out.

Design development stage

The project spans at approx 45 metres wide and 5 metres depth, like a bridge. One can view the garden from the platform.

Plan and elevation

East elevation

Whole structure artist impression

The structure is like units of cages, as one enters each cage and each cages have different settings and seatings for those who wants to hangout in the garden or be inspired for poetry writings or paintings.

Front entrance

Viewing platform first floor

Coffee bar first floor

If they need a coffee break, they can enjoy at the coffee bar!

Ground floor cafe organic seatings

The ground floor consist of a cafe for those joggers or families who picnics in the garden with their children so that they can buy food and drinks and they don't need to bring from home. They can sit around the organic table that is designed for easy communication - they can look at each other though they site next to each other.

This project is not possible without the help of Mike and Leonda and my good pals, Royce and Jackie, who inspired me me with ideas (from talking) and of course research and headings. This project is also dedicated to my family, Mummy, Papa, Cindy and Pearly. Hope I could build something cool eh? Thanks!

Hope you find inspiration (but not plagiarism) through my project. Research was done on the Yellow Treehouse in NZ, Eco Sphere in Canada and O2 Sustainable Treehouse.


Another important element for international student when arriving in a foreign country is a place to stay. Teesside University offer one of the most affordable accommodation comparing to other university.

You can choose from University managed housing, halls or flat. All these accommodation is strategically located within walking distance of 5 - 15 minutes from university, grocery and other important service provider such as banks.

For more information regarding accommodation, click here or interlink special post regarding accommodation.

You may contact the accommodation office through,
T: 01642 342255

Well for me myself, I got a nice and decent place to stay at a house along Union Street. I am staying in university manage house, all equipements is guarantee to work properly and it is fully furnished. Its 15 minutes away walk from Cook Building (this is where all undergrad ID and IA students hang out) to my place. I stay in room 1 in the floor above.

My bedroom, there is a chair, study table, side table, 4 tier drawer, wardrobe and a bedset. Bedsheet and accessories are not inclueded =P

The bathroom, spacious and clean with proper ventilation

Kitchen, most appliances is provided such as cooker, oven, grill, fridge, freezer, washing machine and a microwave. Little cutlery is available too

Living and Dining area, place to eat, hang out and group study with foldable table

Walkway, dry your shoes here

View from my window

View of my facade house at night

For for more contact, visit Now no more worries about a place to stay

Banks and account

If you are an international student studying here in Teesside University for a year or more. You might want to create a bank account. We have variety type of banks in Middlesbrough such as Barclyas, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, National Westminster and Royal Bank of Scotland to be choose from.

You are required to provide these documents to start up an account:
  • Valid passport or EU ID card
  • official university letter
  • bank statement from home bank ( not necessary )
  • document confirming your UK address

Check out different facilities of these bank offers to you, and choose wisely. You might want to consider some facilities such as bank cheques, debit card, credit card, saving accounts, and other scheme for students varies to decide on your bank.

There is a HSBC atm machine within University Main Entrance and Student Union. Its free withdrawal, although you might have other bank accounts. Not to worries about lack of ATM in Middlesbrough as there are a lot of ATM machine within town, Tesco express and Sainsbury's Local.

I would advise students not to carry too much cash upon arrival in UK, just bring sufficient cash to last a month is more than enough. You may consider other options such as traveller cheque and international credit card to loosen up the worries of losing money to bad guys. Besides that, you can shop with free Debit card provided in any banks and you dont have to bring much cash with you most of the time.

Hope that this will help out, cheers

I love London part II

London again! This time for Chritmas and Boxing day sales! And New Years! Happy New year by the way. When I arrived it was snowing! Gosh, I love snow! Of course I wouldn't miss the opportunity to make a snowman right?

My first ever snowball!

Our snowman!
Hey, it might be ugly, but it's not easy alright, for first timers! But as you look longer it's really cute right?? We decorated it with my handmade scarf! London isn't so cold that it kind of melted the next day. But it was a fun experience. The following morning we walked around Hamstead. Hamstead is a small but pretty highclass place. They offer boutique clothings, shoes, few fab restaurant and crepes!

The snowy street at Golder's Green

Mistle toe!

Snowflacks, best I can take with my camera. Really tiny but wonderfully scuptured in the sky

Muchroom stuff in Cafe Rouge, Hamstead

The next day we took a train to Tottenham. I had my hamburger in Burger King. It was really delicious! I get some of you think I nvr eat pork burger, well, I don't have that in Malaysia, so I might as well have it the English way.

Hamburger from Burger King

Traveling around Londond is quick and easy. If you need to prepare yourself being the first time in London, you might want to get familiar with the tubes and bus stations. You can always download PDF version of these maps from or you can get the tube map at any Underground station. TFL (Transport for London) is always updated, in case there's upgrading for the upcoming Olympics, certain stations might be close during the weekends, but there will be rail replacement coaches. Pretty efficient I must say.

In an Underground (Royce's fab idea)

British Museum is a must see, for museum lovers. It is a magnificent place to be in. I have no idea how much effort, money and time spent on collecting the many items from all around the globe and to the depths of the earth and the oldest piece of weapon on earth ever found in the museum and the building itself is historical. I dare say this museum put many collector museums around the world to shame.

British Museum

Facade entrance

Check out the real gold stuff

The mighty ceiling and the mini me. Find me!

In the courtyard, after refurbishment designed by Fosters and Partners, small hold as viewing platform for tourist

Further informations on the Museum courtyard and probably the museum itself, you can ask Royce. He did a dissertation on it. When we visited the museum, it felt like a currator was beside me. I kid you not.

Stuff displayed from my hometown, Sarawak

Collections and galleries in the museum

Some of the collections

I think this is Zeus

I like the stairs. Carefully designed and structured during courtyard refurbishment

The shop at the center of the courtyard

A real mummy, well preserved

The courtyard from the viewing platform, probably 4 stories above the ground

The next day we went to check out the London's eye. Just to let you know the queue was superbly long, so I did not get up. But if you want, you probably should book earlier.

London's eye

I was opposite the London's eye (across the river) when I saw war memorials. Beautifully crafted memorials of armies and units to remember those who have lost their lives to protect their country and people around the world from war.

Statues made out of bronze

More memorial artwork

Birds trying to grab food

Towards the end of the street we saw the famous Big Ben! Big Ben is located opposite the Westminster Underground tube.

Big Ben and I

As you walk further down the street you will see more attractive architecture, both historical and modern.

Landscape on a piece of metal

St Margarets Church Westminster Abbey

The facade entrance of the abbey

Some really nice photos I took

Admit it, it is nice!

Some scary guy who was asking people to go into his hunted mansion near London's Eye

Salvador Dali by London's Eye

When I was at London's Eye, I came across an exhibition, dedicated to Salvador Dali. All Salvador Dali's artwork. I dd not enter, I think it was £15 per entry. Along the street you will see all kinds of shows.

The street filled with creative people to get tips from tourist

Human statue

We walked further from Charing Cross, just blindly walk around and got lost while looking for China Town and came across Convent Graden. I didn't walk around much, but I can tell you it was an attractive place to be in. They sale loads of quality chocolates and other souvenirs you can bring home for your friends and families.

Christmas decorations around Convent Garden

Some fantastic circus trick shows from self proclaimed profesional

As we walked further down to Leicester (You pronounce is as leice-ster, not lei-ces-ter ya). I have no idea where we walked, but we walked till we got really lost.

My £5 chinese food, Lemon chicken

Buildings you can find in Chealsea

The lightings along Piccadilly Circus, where you can find Ripley's believe it or not

The following day we planned to visit Harrods and the queen's palace. You might never know Prince William might greet me from his balcony, haha! But before we get to the palace, we passed another war memorial, which is actually a round about just opposite the palace gardens. War memorial is dedicated to many countries who helped and supported Britain in the war, and one of them was Australia. You can see war memorial flowers around, statues of leaders, dedications and descriptions on the war. The palace is about 5 minutes walk away.

Walkway under busy roads, where you can see paintings on tiles about the old days

The arch opposite the palace garden

More memorials

The water fountain right in front of the palace

If you look closely, the queen is waving. Look harder!

Entrance to the royal grounds

I have more to write on London, 2 entrees would never be enough on places of attractions in London, so will get back soon! More of London and Oxford very soon! I love!

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